Watch Intro Video


Course curriculum

  • 1

    Module 1: How Do I Start My Tribe?

    • Welcome! I'm So Glad You Are Here...

    • Necessary Steps To Become Clear About The Foundation Of Your Tribe

    • Here's An Example Of A Mission / Vision Statement

    • Creating Your Mission / Vision Statement, Your Tribe Name, When, Where, How Often Will You Meet?

    • Slide Show To Review All Your Necessary Foundational Tools

  • 2

    Module 2: How Do I Best Prepare Myself As A Leader?

    • Imperative Tools That Will Assist You In Aligning With Your Confidence

    • Step-By-Step Reminders + Your Helpful Follow-Up Exercise

  • 3

    Module 3: Helpful Hints To Get People To Join?

    • Helpful Hints To Get People to Join

    • Inspiration For Your Creation

    • What Will You Do?

  • 4

    Module 4: What Is An Outline For A Meeting?

    • The Importance Of A Meeting Outline - Creating Ritual

    • Ideas For Your Outline - Your Beginning, Middle, End

    • My Sample Outline For You To Create From

  • 5

    Module 5: Where Will I Get Curriculum For My Meetings?

    • Here Are Some Ideas For Your Curriculum

    • Review: All The Steps For The Creation Of Your Mighty Tribe

    • Congratulations On The Creation Of Your Tribe -- What A Difference You Will Make!

Here's everything you need to create your tribe with confidence.

You'll be making a difference for others... and you!


  • Do I need prior teaching or leadership skills to create my Tribe?

    No prior teaching or leadership skills are necessary. I will assist you in creating your Mission + Vision Statement, your ongoing workshop outline, and your curriculum. Once you have that in place, your gatherings will run themselves. You don't need to be an expert. Remember, 90% of success is just showing up.

  • Creating a Tribe has been a dream, but I'm afraid I'm not going to succeed.

    In Module 2, I give you all the tools to shift from the doubter within and focus on your purpose and your dreams. You get to kick perfection to the curb and move forward with your dream. I give you everything you need to create your Tribe successfully.

  • I'm clear about my Tribe name, but nothing else. How will your class help me in the creation of my Tribe?

    My results-driven self has delightfully dedicated countless hours to the creation of this course so that it is as easy for you as possible. I believe in the concept of creating a Tribe, I know its importance, and I have provided every detail possible to make it a hand-holding experience.

Mastermind Group Coaching

Your purposeful Tribe is just weeks away from creation! Consider adding a Group Coaching call for additional support.


The Real Deal

by Debra Sarbaugh

Elizabeth's courses, retreats, and tribe gatherings have brought more joy, peace of mind, and miracles to my everyday life. You've found a person who passionately lives what she teaches and delights in your radiant results!

She Really Cares

by Alana Harndon

For decades I have gained insights from Elizabeth's classes. They are personalized, power-punched, and the take-away value always astounds me.

My Greatest Teacher

by Aubrey Griffith-Zill

For years, I attended Elizabeth's Tribe meetings and retreats. I've also had the joy of teaching with her locally and internationally. Elizabeth inspired me to start my own Tribe! We meet weekly, and hundreds of people are now benefitting from my community!

Mastermind 1-Day Retreat

Imagine a retreat in NC, where we walk through a sample Tribe meeting, answer any questions you have, and bring your personalized design to completion.

Instructor: Elizabeth Trinkaus

Your insightful guide will happily share all her tools, which will assist you in creating your very own Mighty Tribe!

Elizabeth Trinkaus

I was born in Norwalk, CT. I (with my two bro’s, mom, + 3 dogs) spent several of my early years riding across the country in our champagne-mist Buick station wagon with my gypsy dad on his very crowded vision quest. I like control (wonder why?), and I practice surrendering a lot (wonder why?).

I created my life coaching company, Pinnacle View, 30+ years ago. I know that a shift in perception will put you on top of the world. I believe we get to put more of a design on our lives than we were taught. I teach - through coaching, retreats, and podcasts - how to write your empowering new story, and how to remember who you really are (enough).

I am the author of Enough Already, Yes You Are, and co-author of Conversations On Success with Deepak Chopra, and Success Simplified with Stephen Covey and others. For 22+ years I’ve lived with my life squeeze, Greg, in Chapel Hill, NC, along with our rescue pup, Tali.

I derive great pleasure from experiencing everyday miracles that happen when you walk with expectation. I practice the tools I teach, I stumble like everyone else, and I am dedicated to making a difference!

Surround yourself with people who are going to take you higher. -Oprah

You're ready to create your Mighty Tribe!

Go at your own pace from the comfort of your home. Each module will hold your hand through the whole process and give you time for reflection at the end. Options to add a Mastermind Group Coaching call and 1-day NC retreat are available also. Create, enjoy, make a difference!